
CS Research Symposium

Created at March 27, 2022 (modified: April 16, 2022)

SACM and WACM are hosting a research symposium, both virtual and in-person, to facilitate connections and conversations between members of the UW-Madison Computer Sciences community. Graduate and undergraduate students involved in research will present short talks about their work. There will also be keynote talks by faculty members!

Join us this Friday, April 1st in-person or remotely! More info here.

Office Nameplate Generator

Created at Sept. 14, 2021

Generate and print the nameplate to put outside your CS office here!

PhD & Postdocs Recruiting Website

Created at Feb. 5, 2021 (modified: Nov. 9, 2021)

The CS department has a webpage which contains information about grad students and postdocs on the job market. This can be helpful to give a boost to your job search. If you want your profile to be added to this listing, please email Karen with all the necessary information.