Student Community
One of SACM's primary goals is to bring together the student community at the Department of Computer Sciences. In this direction, SACM organizes regular TGIFs ("Thank Goodness It's Friday") - the pseudo-weekly graduate student hangout time. TGIFs allow people to relax and get to know others from the department, even those who aren't even on the same floor! We usually serve snacks and food, which is another great reason to stop by! Every semester, we hold a Mega-TGIF where undergraduates, faculty and staff are also invited along with all graduate students. In addition to TGIFs, SACM aims to help connect the student community at our department by organizing such events as Pi(e) Day, the annual Department Picnic, and more.

Graduate Panels, Workshops, Mentorship
SACM organizes a wide spectrum of events to contribute to the personal and professional development of the students in our department. We organize graduate panels and workshops to assist undergraduate students who are interested in applying to graduate school. We also have a mentorship program for graduate and undergraduate students to learn more about navigating the industry (landing internships/full time offers, interviews), transitioning into graduate school life, and research in a variety of CS related areas.

Industry-related Events
SACM frequently offers opportunities to students to connect with people in the industry who are pioneers in their fields of work and research. We often co-organize job/internship panels with companies, such as Google Madison, and Microsoft Gray Systems Lab.

SACM organizes a research symposium once a year where members of our community find an opportunity to see what others in the department are working on, to have interesting discussions, and to share their own work. These symposiums are also a great way for new grad students and undergrads to learn about what research is happening in the department, explore new interests, and maybe even connect with new faculty members!

Social Events
SACM holds many social events for the graduate students in our department to help them get to know others in the community, relax, and relieve stress among classes, research, and teaching responsibilities. Such social events include, but are not limited to, annual departmental picnics, trivia nights, and board games.